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Want To Earn Residual Income?

Oct 1st, 2009 by Stephen


Online residual income can be generated from something as simple as selling an ebook.  You sell by creating a website around the ebook. Once it is sold, then you must offer other products in order to make money.

Let’s say you want to create another ebook and this time incorporating links to a membership site that requires a monthly membership fee and you get a portion of each paid membership. That portion of money is residual income.

You get paid as long as that person is a member of the website that you included in your ebook. So you get money from the sale of the ebook and ongoing cash from the membership program or affiliate program.

Creating an ebook is one of several ways of  earning residual income online. For example, pick a topic to write about that you are very familiar with and can be viewed as something of an expert.

Then along with the information that you present in the ebook, include recommendations on products or membership links to similar websites.

Again, your money comes from selling the ebook and if any of your readers follow the links to conclusion, you get a part of that money as well.

The trick is to promote a product that is either membership based on is what’s called a consumable product, meaning once it’s gone, you have to replace it, over and over and over, until you don’t want it anymore.

A prime example of this is vitamins. Present the information to make the first sale, then take reorders each month. That is your residual income.

Yet another way is to set up an affiliate program based on your plan and get others to sell your product for you. They get a percentage of the sale price and you get the rest. Voila!  You’re earning more residual income.

Sounds easy, but actually it does take work in order to make it work. It will require a knowledge and understanding of customer retention rates as well as pay out plans.

However, to earn residual income online takes work but it is possible to make a very nice income overtime. One that you don’t have to work too hard for.

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